7. Initial Employment

7. Initial Employment

   Employees will receive new employee information upon hire. Forms should be completed and returned to the Administrative Office immediately. If the employee will be driving a state car, a driver identification card must be obtained after taking the State's defensive driving course.

    All probation staff will be provided with a probation based policy and procedural manual upon commencing employment.  A state photo identification card will be issued to all probation officers, and to probation support staff, at the supervisor's discretion. Following completion of their provisional period, probation officers will be issued a badge.  All probation staff are responsible for any state equipment or business related items entrusted to them and the same shall be returned to their supervisor upon termination of employment. 

   All employees are required to complete new employee orientation and required training for their specific position. County court employees will complete JUSTICE training within the first 6 months of their employment as a condition of successfully completing their provisional period.

Amended 7-16-03, amended 10-30-13; amended 7-9-15.