Boone and Nance County Clerk Magistrates Assume Ex Officio Clerk of District Court Duties

Boone and Nance County Clerk Magistrates Assume Ex Officio Clerk of District Court Duties

Boone and Nance Counties are the latest counties to contract for the clerk magistrate to serve as ex officio clerk of district court.   

Lisa Langan took on ex Officio Clerk of District Court duties in Boone County on April 1, 2021.  Langan has served as Clerk Magistrate since 2001 and has been part of the Judicial Branch family since 1993.  Shirley Stuart-Monroe assumes ex officio responsibilities in Nance County on May 1, 2021. Stuart-Monroe was appointed Clerk Magistrate in 2012 and has been with the courts since 2003.                

Nance County Clerk Danette Zarek remarked, “I feel confident that our clerk-magistrate, along with an additional part-time State employee, will be able to provide more consistent & efficient support for both the county and district courts here in Nance County.” She continued, “As an ex officio clerk of district court, I found it hard to devote the necessary attention the district court services needed as well as devote the attention necessary for the other three offices held by myself as the Nance County Clerk. I also found it difficult to take time off to attend trainings and meetings.”