Probation Administrator Minardi Receives Exceptional Leadership Award

Probation Administrator Minardi Receives Exceptional Leadership Award

The National Association of Probation Executives (NAPE) has honored Nebraska State Probation Administrator, Deborah A. Minardi, with their 2020 leadership award. The award, presented on August 25, 2020, is based on demonstrated leadership qualities of those who participate in the National Association of Probation Executives. Founded in 1981, the organization represents the chief executive officers of local, county, and state probation agencies.

Minardi is nationally known for her ability to train fellow professionals in the philosophy and development of evidence-based practices in criminal justice. She serves on the Board of Directors for the American Probation and Parole Association (APPA), where she received the 2010 APPA President’s Award for Probation’s Specialized Substance Abuse Supervision Program and the 2014 award for the APPA Member of the year. In 2015 the University of Nebraska School of Criminology presented Minardi with their Lifetime Achievement Award.  

In response to her national leadership award, Minardi noted, “Leadership is everything, but at the end of the day it is Nebraska Probation that is exceptional. I am the fortunate one.”