Trainer Niki Svik Elected International Association of Correctional Training Board of Directors

Trainer Niki Svik Elected International Association of Correctional Training Board of Directors

Judicial Branch Education Trainer Niki Svik was recently elected to a two-year term to the Board of Directors for the International Association of Correctional Training Professionals (IACTP) as the Juvenile Corrections Director. IACTP is an international professional association of trainers, training administrators, and educators representing all aspects of the field of adult and juvenile justice. IACTP was established in 1974. Svik became involved with IACTP as a conference participant when the Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation co-hosted their annual conference last year along with Nebraska Parole and the Department of Correctional Services. 

Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, Svik has been involved in the process of adapting classroom trainings to virtual trainings. The adaptations have proven to be a great success, allowing staff across the state to meet their educational requirements. Svik has been with Judicial Branch Education for 2 years, was with the juvenile probation office in Lincoln for 13 years, and more than two years at the adult office in Lincoln.

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