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In inclement weather, employees should use their best judgment in trying to get to work. If an employee chooses not to report to work, the employee must follow the policy of their particular office for reporting an absence. Employees choosing not to work due to weather conditions must use accrued...
Nebraska Supreme Court Chief Justice Michael G. Heavican has been inducted into the 2021 Warren E. Burger Society through the National Center for State Courts. Accomplishments of Nebraska’s Chief Justice were celebrated at an event in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, November 18, 2021. Among the...
Misty Flowers, Nebraska Indian Child Welfare Coalition (NICWC) Executive Director, and Jill Holt, NICWC Training and Education Director, join Your Nebraska Judicial Branch to discuss the mission of their organization in education, advocacy, and bringing people together. Part of this mission is...
Nebraska Probation provides financial assistance for behavioral health services for adults who meet criteria which includes financial need. In October 2020, the State of Nebraska launched Medicaid Expansion, which enhanced Medicaid eligibility for low-income adults. Medicaid benefits, under Medicaid...
The North Central Problem-Solving Court in Broken Bow honored a new graduate from Problem-Solving Court on November 4, 2021, while family and friends observed. Completing the program is a great accomplishment, and we are proud to honor his achievement. The ceremony marks the completion of an...
The Lancaster County Veteran’s Treatment Court joined the Lincoln Veterans Parade on November 7, 2021. The event was arranged by veterans for veterans, with the theme of “Welcome Home Vietnam Veterans; We Honor Now, Those Who Were Not Honored Then.” Pictured are veterans’ treatment court mentors...
Capitol construction required that the Nebraska State Library vacate its home on the third floor of the State Capitol over two years ago. The library has been housed temporarily at the UNL College of Law through a generous offer of on-campus space in the Schmid Law Library. Librarians are now making...
Court and probation offices will be closed in observance of Veteran's Day. Please contact your local court or probation office for more information.
The Office of Dispute Resolution (Administrative Office of the Courts and Probation’s Court Services Division) was awarded a $1M, 3-year grant to implement the Juvenile Restorative Justice and Family Intervention Initiative, a statewide “upstream” program geared at diverting youth under the age of...
Court Reporter Kris Riekenberg has always been generous with her time, but more so during COVID’s challenges over the past year. She has served as court reporter for judges outside of her home court throughout the year - traveling from Beatrice to Lincoln, Omaha, and Plattsmouth to assist. She has...